
EYP the Netherlands is a recognized non-profit organisation, part of the informal educational program by the Schwarzkopf Foundation.

National Committee

EYP the Netherlands is founded in 1998 by teachers. Now, it is run by university students in a Board (Bestuur) and controlled by a Supervisory Council (Raad van Toezicht). Teachers of high school delegations can still be as involved in EYP as they like, from visiting the General Assembly to travelling along to an international conference. Parents are not invited to EYP conferences, but are welcome to reach out for inquiries.

SEJN is een Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI).

Alle mensen die zich inzetten voor SEJN doen dit op vrijwillige basis en ontvangen hiervoor geen vergoeding.

De doelstelling van SEJN is statutair vastgesteld als ‘het leveren van een bijdrage aan een beter functioneren van de samenwerking tussen volkeren en landen, zoals deze zich ontwikkelt binnen de Europese Unie en haar onderdelen. De stichting richt zich daarbij speciaal op jongeren’.


Account number: 212274856
At name of: S.E.J.N.
Bank name: Triodos Bank N.V.
IBAN: NL96TRIO0212274856
Fiscal number: 807589652

International network

The European Youth Parliament is active in 40 countries across and beyond Europe. More than 30,000 young people, including 3,500 volunteers, take part in EYP 500 events every year. Since 1987, the number of EYP alumni has grown to over 200,000. Today, the network is managed by the Governing Body (6 elected members), the Board of National Committees (representatives from all national organisations) and the International Office (administrative and supportive employees).