Sustainable Symphony of Souls: The EU aims to be climate-neutral by 2050, which necessitates a range of strategies for climate action. Given that low-income communities are often disproportionately affected by climate change, how can the EU develop climate-related policies that ensure the equitable inclusion of people with lower incomes?


Sustainable Symphony of Souls: The EU aims to be climate-neutral by 2050, which necessitates a range of strategies for climate action. Given that low-income communities are often disproportionately affected by climate change, how can the EU develop climate-related policies that ensure the equitable inclusion of people with lower incomes?

Submitted by: Hawkeye Martinez Madrid, Madelief Oosterveld, Sophie Prins, Elise de Vries and Gabriela Rutkowska (PL, Chairperson), 

The European Youth Parliament aims to achieve full inclusivity by including lower-income communities in legislative procedures addressing climate change prevention. It also aims to protect them from the possible consequences of climate change. It further aims to ensure proper awareness of the topic among both the vulnerable groups as well as those in power by educating them on the issue,


  • Current measures taken by national governments are related to rising costs and impact financially lower-income households, limiting their fundamental rights, such as free movement within the European community,
  • Low-income communities lack representation in shaping climate-related policies,
  • Political parties and groups that have the majority of power are not taking into consideration the inclusivity aspect of creating a climate-friendly future,
  • Access to technology and the internet within the EU is still limited in certain regions, thus some people do not have access to climate-related information, resources and updates,
  • Climate policies and rising temperatures caused by global warming are affecting certain industries leading to potential job losses, especially among outdoor workers,
  • The European Green Deal does not specifically mention the issue of climate change affecting low-income communities or possible solutions to that issue.


  1. Urges the European Commission to revise the European Green Deal to safeguard socio-economically disadvantaged communities against the impacts of climate change;
  2. Encourages the European Commission to support local environmental efforts that are focused on intersectionality by creating a dedicated fund for green initiatives;
  3. Requests Member States to equip their lower-income populations with essential tools for natural disaster warnings, prevention, and response, including technologies like Starlink satellite dishes, ensuring reliable connectivity with disaster prevention centres;
  4. Calls upon Member States to ensure that the most socioeconomically disadvantaged groups are represented in political decision-making by incorporating them into civic engagement programs; 
  5. Calls upon Member States to raise awareness among the general population about the challenges faced by lower-income communities, aiming for their inclusion in climate-related civic discussions through 
    • the enhancement of secondary education curricula and 
    • the organisation of activities at community centres.