Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
We won’t be erased: With long waiting lists and violently transphobic measures like forced sterilisation, healthcare for transgender people is inaccessible in most Member States. How can the EU ensure accessible and safe transgender healthcare for all who need it?
Submitted by: Constantin van der Corneils (NL), Otto Crawford (NL), Adhemar Emmink (NL), Giulia Romanini (IT), Kaitlyn van der Weerd (NL) and Alice Maffoni (Chairperson, IT)
The European Youth Parliament
- Strongly emphasising Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU which prohibits any type of discrimination, including on the basis of gender identity,
- Noting with regret the insufficiently effective potential sanctions against Member States that are not abiding by EU law,
- Noting with deep concern that in 2022, 34% of transgender people in the EU faced gender-based discrimination by healthcare workers,
- Alarmed by the lack of accessible and safe transgender care due to the absence of qualified clinics,
- Disturbed by the lack of health insurance coverage and funding for safe and high quality transgender care,
- Deeply concerned by discriminating legal practices towards transgender people in the EU, such as sterilisation, mandatory mental health diagnoses and the exploitation of the right to conscious objection by a medical practitioner;
- Strongly urges the European Commission to uphold a prohibition on discrimination against transgender people as it is stated in Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights;
- Encourages the European Commission to adopt targeted membership sanctions against Member States that don’t abide by the EU anti-discrimination legislation;
- Recommends Member States to create and implement school classes dedicated to raising awareness about the issues that the LGBTQIA+ community is facing;
- Invites Member States to include gender-affirming services in essential healthcare;
- Urges Member States to ban harmful gender transitioning requirements such as sterilisation and mental health diagnoses;
- Asks Member States, in collaboration with non-governmental organisations such as the Transgender Training Institute (TTI) and Transgender Europe (TGEU), to implement awareness workshops in workplaces;
- Encourages Horizon Europe to subsidise transgender health care;
- Appeals Eurostat to increase the research done about issues facing the transgender community;
- Requests Member States to revise the right to conscientious objection to include hormone replacement therapy.