Motion for a Resolution by

The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs [LIBE II]

Believe it or not: With a new era of heavily edited audiovisual content on their way, the intentional spread of fake news and misleading content has never been easier, affecting 4 out of 10 European citizens daily. What measures should the EU and its Member States do to minimise the circulation of disinformation via traditional and digital media?

Submitted by: Esmee O’Connor (IE, Chairperson) 

The European Youth Parliament,

  1. Noting with regret the lack of formal recognition in the form of legislation on the issue of fake news in certain Member States,
  2. Concerned by the growing polarisation along with wavering tolerance towards people with different political beliefs in society, 
  3. Conscious of the difficulty in differentiating between fake and factual news,
  4. Acknowledging the existence of algorithms on digital media outlets that result in an incomplete and biased presentation of current affairs,
  5. Recognising that the intention of the news industry is turning a profit resulting in smaller outlets depending on rapid production over quality control to stay competitive, 

Alarmed by the prevalence of circular reporting and evidence by citation in the news industry resulting in the spread of incorrect information perceived as factual and checked;