Statutes & Strategy
As a foundation registered as a legal entity in The Netherlands, Stichting Europees Jeugdparlement has a set of statutes to which all functionaries adhere to. The statutes were most recently updated in 2015.
Every 5 years, the board writes a long-term strategy for the organisation. In the 2020-2021 term, the 2016-2020 national strategy was reviewed and the international EYP strategy studied. Based on these findings and input of active Alumni, the 2021-2025 strategy was written to serve as a base for boards to come.
Mobility Fund & Restitution
We provide a mobility fund for those who are not able to attend a conference due to its costs. The mobility fund applies for first-time delegates of our Regional and National conferences, and delegates that are selected to attend a conference abroad. Forms can either be printed, signed manually and scanned or digitally signed using Adobe Acrobat. In any case, send the signed form to [email protected].
If you wish to declare expenses to Stichting Europees Jeugdparlement Nederland, please first read the Restitution Policy, then fill in the Declaration Form. The filled in declaration form and the corresponding receipts or transportation transcripts must be uploaded to the Dropbox. Only costs that have been approved by the treasurer can be declared. If you have any questions regarding your declaration, please email the treasurer.

Safety and Welfare
Code of Conduct
To ensure safety and integrity at our events, all participants and volunteers sign a Code of Conduct.
Emergency planning
The Emergency Readiness Plan was drafted over Summer 2022 and was updated before the Regional Conferences in 2024.
Network-wide policies
The EYP has two network-wide policies, rules and support structures in place.
The Policy for Safeguarding Safety and Dignity in EYP outlines what behaviour is to be tolerated at EYP events and explains the responsibilities participants and board members have in ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all participants.
The Welfare Policy describes the responsibility National Committees (e.g. EYP NL) and the International Office of the EYP have in ensuring participant welfare. The policy also asserts that behaviour of EYP participants should be representative of the values of the EYP.
In our privacy statement you can learn why we collect your data, what we do with your data and what your rights are concerning your data.
Whatsapp Group houserules
- All EYP policies apply
In this group, policies of the EYP apply. Policies can be found here. - English
All content should be in English. - Political Neutrality
EYP NL is a political neutral organisation. It provides young people a platform to speak their mind freely, without fear of being judged. Because Whatsapp is an unsuitable platform for conducting proper political discourse, we ask you to keep in mind if your post may be politically coloured when posting. Are you unsure? Contact the HR Coordinator ([email protected]). - No hate speech or bullying
If you encounter bullying or hate speech, please report this to the admin and/or the National Safe Person of EYP NL ([email protected]). - Be kind and courteous
EYPNL wants to create a welcoming and inclusive environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. - Relevance to EYPNL
All content should be relevant for Alumni of EYP the Netherlands. - Promotions are allowed, but no spam
If you want to promote your Session, feel free to do so. One post per Session. - No smoking or drinking
EYP NL is an organisation open to young adults, including those under 18. Therefore, we ask you to not post anything related to alcohol or tabacco.
National Safe Person
Our nationale vertrouwenspersoon serves as an independent contact person for all matters related to welfare and safety related to EYP the Netherlands, be it at events of EYP NL or in general. They are knowledgeable about the welfare policies that are currently in place and can report back to the International Safe Core Team if needed.
If something has happened to you that has impacted your wellbeing, be it at an event of EYP the Netherlands, or abroad as a participant or volunteer representing EYP NL, please contact the NSP. Also, feel free to contact them if you want to know more about the welfare policies in place in the EYP, or if you want to speak about a matter of personal welfare related to EYP.

Selection Criteria
Participants of Regional Conferences can be selected for the National Conference based on 5 criteria.
- A clear eagerness to learn and grow
- Constructive attitude and active participation
- Quality and value of input
- Respectful and interpersonal approach to teamwork
- Effective communication, ability to present oneself clearly and engage the audience
At every conference, a 3-headed Jury observes and asesses the performance and progress of all delegates, and than drafts a ranked list. Informed by this, the Board Members of EYP the Netherlands selects the best school delegation. At the end of the season, in January, two more delegations are given a ‘wild card’ for the National Conference.